در صورت داشتن سوال يا بروز مشکل در سايت با ما تماس بگيريد 09304293050
کتاب انگلیسی مجازی آنلاین


کتابهاي انگليسي

نمونه سوال و کتابهای معلم جواب ورک بوک کانون زبان دانلود کتابهای فامیلی اند فرندز محل تبليغات شما محل تبليغات شما منابع آموزشی کتابهای اسپیک نو محل تبليغات شما محل تبليغات شما محل تبليغات شما محل تبليغات شما محل تبليغات شما


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سوالات بیش از 25 دوره امتحان نهایی زبان انگلیسی سوم دبیرستان درس سوم

گردآوري و تنظيم: www.majazionline.ir

املاء کلمات ناقص زیر را بنویسید ..

A,B)He has the ab –l –ty to remember all the d –tails of the story.

C,D) Psycholo –ists are searching for the ch –mic-l basis of memory in the brain.

E,F) The foreigner's name doesn't st –ck in my m –nd .

G,H) The loss of large are –s of memory occ –rs in some mental and physical illnesses.

I,J) The bra –n is able to rec –rd a large amount of information.

K,L) My friend has both m –ntal and physical illnes –es.

M,N) Psycholg –sts believe that forget –ing doesn't take place at an even pace.

O,P) He remembers in great d –tails , objects or sc –nes he has looked at only bri –fly

Q,R) M –mory is the brains ab –lity to keep a record of past events.

S,T) It is a pa –nful job to tell him that his father is de –d .

U,V) Psychologists b –li -ve that forgetting doesn't take place at an even p -ce.

W,X) Telephone numbers don't sti –k in my m –nd.

Y,Z) our interests and emo –ional fe –lings influence our memory.

1,2) The l –ss of large areas of memory occ –rs in some illnesses.

3,4) We may lose completely c –nscious memory of very important events if they are pa –nful for us.

5,6) The loss of large are –s of memory occurs in some mental and phy –ical illnesses.

7,8) Psychologist have been searching for the ch –m –cal basis of memory in the br - - n .

9,10) He has the ability to remember in great de t - ils scenes and obj –cts.

11,12) the bra –n can record a large amount of infor –ation.

13,14) Does forget –ing take place at an even p - ce?

واَژگان : با کلمات داده شده زیر جای خالی جملات را کامل کنید.

painful / record / recall / over learning / degree / photographic / occur information / emotional / mental / detail / illness / probably / explanation / mind / briefly /

1) Reza fell of his bicycle yesterday. His legs are ………….

2) What can the brain do? It …….a large amount of information.

3) I may not ………the name of hospital. I should write it down.

4) Is …….useful? Yes, it makes things stick in the mind.

5) He has a university ……….in chemistry and manage a lab.

6) I don't have enough …….about that new job.

7) He has a.…memory. An ability to remember things in great details.

8) The brain can ……..a large amount of information.

9) I can't walk fast. My left foot is still ………..

10) Parents should know that children have both physical and ………need.

11) I can still ……..the hard work that I had to do when I was a worker.

12) It is a ……job to tell that his father is dead.

13) Ali's father has both physical and ……………..illnesses.

14) When did that car accident ………..? "I think last night."

15) I can't move my arm. It is very …………

16) Can you tell me about the film in……….? I need some more information.

17) Do you remember him ? Yes , but I can’t ……….his name .

18) Why didn’t he go to work? His ………..kept him away from work for two weeks.

19) How long are they going to stay ? I’m not sure , ………..a week or so .

20) Will you tell Ali’s mother about his mental illness? No , it is a …….job.

21) Did you understand the lesson ? Yes, your ………..was very useful.

22) Over learning is useful because it makes things stick in the ………

23) She looked ………at my drawing and said it wasn’t good at all.

24) When did that terrible event ……………...? About two weeks ago

جمله ی زیر را با نوشتن کلمه مناسب کامل کنید .

1) Her name is very difficult. It doesn't …………….in my mind.

2) My brother can remember everything in great details. He has a photographic …….

3) Over learning makes things ………in your mind.

4) I can't remember telephone numbers easily. I have a bad …………..

5) Something that you enjoy doing in free time is called you're……..

6) There are two kinds of illnesses, physical and ……………….

7) I forget things very easily, I don't have a good …………..

8) When I was cooking, I cut my finger. It is ………………now.

9) Saying something over and over again is called…………….

10) The brain’s ability to remember things is called ………….

11) Hobby is something that you do in your ……time.

12) I can’t remember your friend’s name. I don’t have a good……..

13) Your telephone …….doesn’t stick in my mind.

14) What do you do in your ……….time? I play football.

15) An ability to remember in great details objects or scenes is called ……memory.

شکل صحیح کلمات داده شده را بنویسید .

1) She needs your …………to finish her research project.( guide)

2) The ……..of the birds to warmer places happen in winter.( migrate)

3) I wanted her to show me the way to the post office but she didn't……...me .(guide)

4) Ali did the experiment under the ………..of his teacher.( guide)

5) I didn't accept his ……..for being absent.(explain)

6) Do you know anything about the ……….of birds?(migrate)

7) These two boys are under the …………of their uncle.(guide)

8) The teacher didn't accept my ………..for being absent.(explain)

9) Ali is under the ………of his uncle.(guide)

10) I accepted their ………..to have lunch with them.(invite)

11) We aren't sure about the …….of water on that planet.(exist)

12) Your ……..helped me to understand the lesson better.(explain)

13) I wish I had someone who could …….me through this forest.(guide)

14) We are sure that life doesn't ……….on that planet. (exist)

15) The ……..of the lesson was very hard for me.(explain)

16) I sent Shirin an …………to the dinner party . ( invite)

17) Ali ……….the blind man across the street last night . ( guide )

18) The boos didn’t accept the worker’s ………..for coming late. ( explain )

19) What is his ……….for the water on the floor? (explain )

20) The policeman ……..me to find the address yesterday.(guide)

21) I think everybody believes in the …….of God. (exist )

22) They …..some of their friends for dinner last night.( invite )

23) The teacher’s ……..was confusing. Most of the students didn’t understand it.

( explain )

24) I accepted their …….and we went to their party. ( invite )

25) It is difficult to explain the …..of birds? (migrate )

26) She couldn’t ….the meanings of the new words in the passage.(explain )

27) We don’t know many things about the ………of birds.(migrate)

28) A lot of people believe in the ………of life on other planet.( exist)

گزینه درست را انتخاب کنید.

1) I don't want to go out yet. I am waiting …..the postman to arrive.

a) at b) about c) for d) on

2) Did she pick up the clothes? Yes, she picked ………

a) them up b)up them c) it up d) up it

3) I have lost my keys. I am looking …..them.

a)for b) after c)about d) at

4) Our house is similar ….your house. Perhaps yours is a little larger.

a) to b) with c)in d) from

5) Did he give back your money? No, she didn't give………

a) it back b) back it c) them back d) back them

6) Who is responsible ….that terrible car accident.

a) for b) with c)of d) from

7) I couldn't read the letter because it was full ……mistakes.

a) on b) from c) of d) with

8) The children were asleep, they were very tired. So, I didn't ……

a) wake him up b) wake them up

c) wake up him d) wake up them

9) We walked very carefully along the snow- covered streets.

We were afraid …..falling.

a) from b) of c) on d) for

10) Did you call up their son? No, I didn't call ……..

a) him up b) them up c) up him d) up them

11) I wanted to stay at home, but she insisted ….going to the party.

a)on b)in c)for d) at

12) Did you turn off the lights? "Yes, I turned …….

a) it off b) of them c) them off d) off it

13) Bob is much more interested …..chemistry than physics.

a) with b) on c) in d) at

14) Did you give back the bars of chocolate? No, I didn't give ……

a) back it b) back them c) it back d) them back

15) She asked her mother to look …..her baby while she was out at work.

a) for b) after c) up d) at

16) Some of the students are tired ……solving these difficult problems.

a) about b) by c) from d) of

17) My little brother is interested ……watching cartoons.

a) to b) on c) of d) in

18) I didn’t like the film on TV, so I decided to …….

a) turn it on b) turn it off c) take it off d) take it on

19) She doesn’t go out at night. She is afraid ……the dark.

a) at b) from c) with d) of

20) Did she call up her sons ? Yes, she called ……..

a) them up b) him up c) up them d) up him

21) He is thinking ….helping you with your English.

a) for b) about c) on d)in

22) Did he picked up the bars of chocolate ? Yes , he picked …….

a)it up b) up it c) them up d) up them

23) Did Mina give back the shoes ? Yes , she gave ……

a)it back b) back it c) them back d) back them

24) Mary has been asleep for twelve hours. We should wake …….

a)him up b) up her c) up him d) her up

25) Who looks after your children? I myself look …….

a) them after b) him after c) after them d) after him

بصورت جمله درست مرتب کنید

Do / to call / when / you / her / want / up /? …………………….

به سوالات داده شده با توجه به تصاویر پاسخ دهید

1) What is the girl doing?(دختری در حال پوشیدن کفش هایش)

2) What is the nurse doing?(در حال مراقبت از زن بیمار)

3) What’s Mina’s father doing?(در حال بیدار کردن مینا)

4) What is the boy doing ?(در حالصحبت کردن با معلم)

5) What is the boy going to do ?(پوشیدن کت)

6) What is the boy doing ?(خاموش کردن تلویزیون)

7) What is the boy doing ?(در حال در آوردن لباس)

8) Is the boy talking with his father?(Yes)

پاسخ درست را پیدا کنید

1) Memory is the brain's ability to …………….

a) use arms and legs properly

b) search large areas of physical illnesses.

c) keep a record of past events.

d) slow down the pace of learning.

2) There are several ways which help people to remember things for several days. One of them is over learning. The word "them" refers to …..

a) ways b) things c) days d) people

3) Most things are forgotten in the first hour or day after they are learned, but less is forgotten after a week or so. We understand from this sentence that …………

a) the pace of forgetting doesn't change

b) after a week nothing is forgotten

c) forgetting is what we don't learn

d) forgetting is rapid at first , then slows down

4) Did the man explain the accident to the police? "Yes, he did, but not completely". We understand from the above dialogue that ……..

a) The police was responsible for the accident

b) the police didn't need the man's help

c) the man didn't tell the police the details

d) the man couldn't explain the accident at all.

5) When the loss of large of memory happens,we ….every things.

a) must repeat b) may forget c) will remember d) should recall

سوالات مکالمه با پاسخ درست آن

1) What do you do in the evening? It depends on the weather

2) Will you go on a picnic tomorrow? It depends on the weather.

3) What do you do in your free time in winter? We go skiing on the weekend

4) Do you have any hobbies? I read a newspaper

5) What do you do at weekends? I just rest and watch TV.

6) Why did you leave the office early? I felt very tired

7) Do you have any hobbies? I watch football

8) What do Iranians do in their free times? It depends. They do many different things.

9) What is your hobby? I go to the cinema

10) What does your brother do in the evening? He goes to the park

11) What does he do at weekends? He is planning to go fishing

12) Does your daughter have any hobbies? Yes, she plays tennis.

13) What are you going to do at this weekend? I read a newspaper

14) What does Ali do at weekend? He plays football

15) What do you do in your free time? I watch football

16) Do you have any hobbies? I play tennis

17) What’s his hobby? He plays computer games.

18) Will you go on a picnic next Friday? I want to go on a trip to Kashan

19) Are you interested in going to the cinema? I felt very tired

20) What is he going to do this afternoon? He plays football

منبع: www.majazionline.ir

کانال مجازي آنلاين را دنبال کنيد : telegram.me/majazionline

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آخرين مطالب ارسالي

-براي پاسخ سريع لطفا با شماره 09304293050 تماس بگيريد

کد امنیتی رفرش
قوانين بخش نظرات
1 - نظرات اسپم و تبليغاتي تاييد نخواهد شد.
2 - فقط نظراتي که جنبه عمومي داشته باشند تاييد و منتشر مي شوند.
3 - نظرات فينگليش تاييد نخواهند شد.
4 - هرگونه درخواست و يا حل مشکلات فقط در انجمن امکان پذير است.
5 - لطفا انتقادات و پيشنهادات و همچنين درخواست هاي خود را از بخش هاي تماس با ما و درخواستي ها ارسال نماييد.

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